Hi Everyone,
This is going to be a quick update on Hive Quest progress so here goes - just wanted to show off the new, first ever, game dev Vlog containing fun & games buzzing around the Old Orchard and a word from your's truly, the Solo dev who's working like an overly caffeinated chimp on the game. So please check it out and leave some feedback - it'll give you a really good idea of game play and lots of other stuff.
Not only that, here's some screen shots of very recent progress - as the Pre Alpha Demo Version starts to take shape :)
The Pet Shrublet is getting an AI overhaul and lots of new interactive behaviours
Here he is using the Creation Song to create something super useful for the Hive
And undergoing some sort of magical transformation involving sparkly things
So, yep, the pet Shrublet is set to become an indispensable part of every player's Hive. Eventually there will be a choice of creatures the player can choose from (like a Toadstool pet too, among others! :P ), but the Demo version of Hive Quest is, of course, intended as a preview of what might come to pass.
Along with that we have more landscaping and world creation as well as reams and reams of code, which you REALLY don't want to think about too deeply as it'll probably drive you crazy and/or blind or turn you into a Wombat or something.
So here's some more eye candy from last week...definitely no wombats...
It is, admittedly, kinda difficult creating a game solo along with trying to get the word out at the same time (as well as look after the family and regularly deal with life's little side quests), so any promotional help is seriously, hugely, appreciated.
With that in mind, the game is starting to get lots of support from different places, so a great big Thank You! to all those who are following and providing encouragement - as a solo indie dev it means everything. Please keep it up :)
New updates coming soon so please keep an eye out -
Find me, the slightly unhinged Solo dev behind the magical world of Hive Quest at these places:
Find out more! - www.goldenheartgames.com
Twitter- @RodatGHG