Lots of progress. Scene work, Kalid race finished, and more!

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T his time our weekly progress was really significant. A lot of scening, new items, general polishing, and adding the Kalid race, including both male and female.
We've been working hard lately, starting with town and castle scening. We focused our efforts in a few key castles and in cities, specially Touburg and Vidin. It was also decided that all cities had to be redone and made from 0, in order to make 'massive cities', instead of the known 'towns' from the Native module. This will enhance the overall feeling, and set up a base for new options in the future.

We also replaced textures from Native to keep renewing the mod and make it feel more reallistic, and added some new items, like the Crusader lord helmet, thanks to Queen Pinky. Moreover, we enhanced the appearance of the mountains in HUL but, most importantly, finished the Kalid race.

This Kalid race will be fully playable, in both its male and female versions. Now we are working on undead, and we'll hopefully have new items next week.

Stay tuned to HUL's page at Mod DB, and check all the new preview media we've added.

Chezzlor - - 860 comments

Oh the painful undead race! Sure you could make some zimbie/rotting looking individuals! But those skeletons! How do you tackle that annoying issue?

I hope all the best. And may I say again? Awesome mod :)

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xXBerethorXx - - 587 comments

well with skeletons you dont have to worry about facial features as much :)

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RevanShan Author
RevanShan - - 887 comments

Indeed. But the thing we have to fix now doesn't have to do with that. Gothic Knight is helping me with this, lets see if we have a bit of luck and can finish it soon. I already made a pair of rusy mail armors for the undeads today and I'm really looking forward to see them in action.

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powercramp - - 1,005 comments

Good update! :-) I especially like what you are doing with the cities, I hope you will make everyone of them interesting and unique.

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