Post news RSS HHF 1.0!

So. We're finally here. 4 years of on and (very much) off development, good times and bad, and a tremendous experience that i'm glad i stuck with later; and HHF is in a position that i feel happy with releasing to the public.

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So. We're finally here.

4 years of on and (very much) off development, good times and bad, and a tremendous experience that i'm glad i stuck with later; and HHF is in a position that i feel happy with releasing to the public.

It's fitting that we're choosing to release this now, obviously MOTY is in full swing, but we're also officially in the festive season, 3 (or 4) days into the advent calendar. It seems the best time to finally let what for so long i've kept quite tightly wrapped up and secure out into the wilds of the internet.

I'm aware the above is very focused on my self, and i'm going to give some time to the other people who probably deserve more credit than my self for bringing you what you'll be playing today, but i'd like to take a short time to express how much this means to my self - to finally release something i've thought about and worked on pretty much daily for the last 4 years, and just generally be a bit more personal about HHF.

4 years ago (When i was 15 and had silly hair), i started HHF with a few users off the Halowars forums - no doubt they will pop up in the comments below and stake their claims to credit. We loved Halo with a passion, we'd all played Homeworld 2, it seemed to us silly that no one had ever combined the two. What should have seemed sillier is that a group of people who'd never modded or really been involved in any modding communities decided they could create what was becoming a more and more ambitious mod on an engine which even then was half a decade old.

Still, we were ambitious - For some reason i assigned my self the role of 3D modelling, something that before i started HHF i had always thought of as some sort of black art that only other people could understand while i hid away doodling on paper and making forum signitures. Not only that, but i'd also unconciously made my self leader of the entire project with a team that were all very independant and half under the impression they were also in charge.

We were recieved warmly by the moddb community, and ever since have made our home almost exclusively here - I thank the staff here immensely for creating such a great community, which was integral to us continuing the project even through the harder times, and the community it's self for supporting us for so long and after so many broken promises from us.

Months turned to years, things went from bad, to great, to worse, we had alot of great people join and leave, until last christmas i was ready to give up. I have to thank Insanelymatt for stopping that from happening, he kept the mod afloat for long enough for Zero to join, bringing with him something we never really had before - Good quality textures, as well as the will to simply learn what ever he could to help out. With solid models and solid textures, we managed to attract a more than solid coder - Aliah, who brought the other element we never really had before; the ability to change fundamental things in homeworld such as AI behaviour, ship mechanics, and general gameplay. With both of them, we finally had a team capable of making a real mod, one with great visuals as well as great gameplay, which you'll see a glimpse of with this release.

So, thank you to both of you, everyone else who has contributed to HHF over the years (Even NT.), the members of various other mod teams who have helped immensely, the moddb staff, and the moddb community and fans. A massive <3 to you all.

Now, don't take that as a "Cool, we're finished with this now". What you're playing is still very unfinished, but unlike previous builds you may have played, this build will be completely supported, constantly patched and updated - We're releasing this fully aware of the problems with it, but we're happy with it in it's current state, and in the belief that this is simply a foundation for what we have to come.

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We have a lot to show off in this build that you probably haven't seen before unless you stalk Zero's majhost, as stated, there's no Covenant currently in - We're leaving them until we feel happy with the UNSC as a stand-alone faction, and then devoting our full time to them. This build is also lacking something that we really did want to include, and all blame for not including it falls upon my self, however we will hopefully patch it in some time around or after Christmas - Along with a new miner ship and the Marathon.

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Bundles of fury - A miniature Marathon with twice the attitude, the Talos is a class of ship designed to bridge a gap you will most likely notice - the massive gap between the power of Cruisers and Destroyers. While right now our best cure for that is the Kindjal bomber as a counter to Cruiser firepower, the Talos and the other light cruisers, when implimented, should hopefully make the game a bit less cruiser-end heavy.

Also to come is a complete research tree and a fully fleshed out resourcing system designed to stretch your economy accross a large portion of the map, and bring harrassment and map control into the spot light in terms of strategy. These will take longer to include, but we consider them top priority. All the while, we'll be fleshing out the unit roster with newly designed ships, modules, etc.

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You'll find the download links below - Please use the adfly link, it's safe, and it contributes a bit of cash towards the developers through no cost of your own - However, we've also set up a Donations link (We've looked at the Microsoft rules, it's perfectly legitimate) in case there's any of you who would like to help out a little more. While we'd like to make it clear we don't expect you guys to give us money, the money will go towards supporting the mod either by paying for a new domain name, or paying for all the caffeine products that fuel mod development.


It's in .rar format, simply extract it and install the .big file to your homeworld 2 data folder, then modify the start up targetline. If you're unsure, there's a more detailed readme file inside.

And our forums for now:

Keep an eye out for events which may or may not happen such as live streams or developer matches - Remember, we made this for multiplayer, and while the AI we have is pretty good, you're going to enjoy it so much more playing with your friends and other fans. Using Hamachi or other similar services is a great way to connect, and Cas has set one up that hopefully should facilitate some games for you guys, but we encourage you to set up your own and organise your own matches with other fans, preferably via PM. We're working on setting up forums for this purpose, and if anyone has any experience with things like setting up IRC chats we'd appreciate them to get in contact with us about setting one up.

Have fun.

TheDidact - - 507 comments

I Love you guys (and Girl) you are the bestest ever XD

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Nathanius - - 2,305 comments

This should be interesting :)

Congrats on your release!

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Nathanius - - 2,305 comments

Had a couple of games now, and except for a couple of engine trail static bugs on start-up I didn't see anything major worth reporting except a job well done! :)

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AdmiralCheung - - 133 comments


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Kanealii - - 204 comments

I love your guys art style. Its Inspiring!

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dud_doodoo - - 333 comments

In from the beginning! Halo Wars Forum member here and I would like to claim first fan? Okay? Okay.

Congrats Velo and team!

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randomdancing - - 56 comments

Sweet job guys, deff worth MOTY

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AdmiralCheung - - 133 comments

Hi, I'm sorry but I dunno how to unlock the Halcyon ?

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V3LO Author
V3LO - - 1,887 comments

There's a module on anchor 12 which needs to be constructed before you can research it, i think.

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AdmiralCheung - - 133 comments

Its a research module right ? I clicked on it and nothing happens on Normal Skirmish

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V3LO Author
V3LO - - 1,887 comments

Strange. PM Aliah or Zero, when they're around tomorrow they should be able to answer your question better than i can.

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Haddix - - 92 comments

yah same here i can only build up to the Destroyer, other then that i say a great mod definitively worth moty!

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warkeeper - - 200 comments

All so you can win the Mod of they Year...Or atleast take votes away from anther mod.

Yeah, I'm on to you ;D

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880Zero - - 2,550 comments

I weep tears of joy. :')

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frankenstain9108 - - 22 comments

some body can help me
I have the game but it doesn't works on w7
some one can help me with this please

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AdmiralCheung - - 133 comments

I'm running on Win 7
What's wrong, either than you don't run the game,
The more your specific, the better I can help you.

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frankenstain9108 - - 22 comments

I install the game with it's patch and everything but it doesn't run...

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V3LO Author
V3LO - - 1,887 comments

Specific means computer specs, crashlogs, what you were doing, etc.

Can you run homeworld 2 normally, without the mod? If not, then the issue is with homeworld 2 being such an old game. I'm pretty sure running it in compatability mode (right click the game's application file or shortcut, go to properties and find compatability mode) and set it to what ever version of windows homeworld 2 was shipped on.

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frankenstain9108 - - 22 comments

it is a laptop is a dell 1440 it pretty old
Processors: Intel Atom N550 dual core 1.6 GHz, L2 cache 512 KB
Memory: 2 GB DDR3 800 MHz
Graphics Processor: Intel NM10 Express Video
Hard Drive: 250 GB 5400 RPM, 320 GB 2.5-inch HDD SATA 7200 RPM

and I try to use that compatability mode but it doesn't works

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V3LO Author
V3LO - - 1,887 comments

Is homeworld 2 working at all? Or is it just the mod? Does the mod start, can you go into the menu etc? Is it crashing when you try to load a match?

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frankenstain9108 - - 22 comments

no homeworld is the one who doesn't want to work

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V3LO Author
V3LO - - 1,887 comments

Then unless someone with windows 7 can help you out i'd try google it, there might be a guide somewhere online to get them to work together.

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NinjaTheory - - 207 comments

I've got windows 7 and homeworld 2 runs just fine....

frankenstain, are you using 1.0 or 1.1?

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frankenstain9108 - - 22 comments

and I try in my pc's brother and the game run at all but the mod doesn't jajajajajajaja I'm down in the dumps

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frankenstain9108 - - 22 comments

maybe you can help me with the mod installation

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frankenstain9108 - - 22 comments

now I have the mod problem it crash when I try to load a match

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V3LO Author
V3LO - - 1,887 comments

That'll be a shader issue. Until the new version without shaders is up on moddb i'd advise trying to use one of the normal maps, not one of th eones we've made. It should help.

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Jaack - - 102 comments

When is the none shader version being released ?

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frankenstain9108 - - 22 comments

it crash with every map

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noobplayer - - 60 comments

I'm playing this mod with windows 7 with no problem at all... can be played on all maps except for the Halcyon problem... researched it but can't be build

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frankenstain9108 - - 22 comments

what did you do to make it work at windows 7???

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Aliah - - 401 comments

I twanged my magic twanger.


My system is Windows 7, so more or less the whole time it's been built on my system, code-wise. Had to be compatible.

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GLaDOS95 - - 179 comments

For Matt RIP.

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V3LO Author
V3LO - - 1,887 comments

Matt officially cheated death. Head over to his profile to see more.

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frankenstain9108 - - 22 comments

I did it

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Georgio501 - - 3 comments

Oh wow, this MOD has been litle more than a pipedream for me over the years, the monthly check ups just out of curiosity to see if any new screenshots had been released, forlornly having to delete the old, alpha version after it being too painful to play. . .

So glad that you guys have decide to let us get a hands on experience, I haven't downloaded yet but if you say its ready then it probably is!!

V3LO, Zero, everyone else involved, THANK YOU!! and great committment :D

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Deadly043 - - 3 comments

This has defiantly made my day. Outstanding job so far. I would like to commend you all for the hard work you've done. It's a wonderful mod with a bright future. Looking forward to facing off against some covenant ;)

-From your armed forces in the middle east.

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LoftySgtTaylor - - 344 comments

I may buy this game just for the mod, it looks EPIC
Well done, get the covenant done soon and i will be over the moon. if i cant i would just take a frigate and fly over one in the mod

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dude28976 - - 4 comments

i DID buy the game just for the mod

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dude28976 - - 4 comments

you guys did some epic work nicely done the i can now control the UNSC naval forces this is epic... you guys really need to bring the covenant in though im getting tired of blowing the cra out of hiigaran and vaygre ships :D

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