Hi! You are reading my first ever post about my game, Don't Move. It's pretty sweet.
Don't Move is written in Haxe and uses the Haxe Flixel library, which is a port of the original Flixel library. I'm using the FlashDevelop IDE to write it. All of this stuff is open source and basically completely awesome.
The graphics are done in a mixture of Pickle and Paint.NET. The music and sounds are all done in FamiTracker, which emulates the sound of the original NES RP2A03 microprocessor. Some post-production sound editing was done in Audacity.
Don't Move uses Bebas Neue by Dharma Type for titles, with some hand-drawn pixel modifications. All other text uses Nokia Cellphone FC Small by Zeh Fernando, which is not coincidentally the default font for Flixel.
Links! Hopefully this sheds muddled, confusing light on the creation process behind this game.