This game is currently in development by just two guys one an animator and summary writer the other does everything else. We both have had experience with block buster games such as halo, COD and Battle Field 3 and where able to beat the games in under 6 hours making us more than capable game developers. We have picked the iPhone as the platform for our game as we don't have a programmer and wanted to use UDK mobile as it uses kismet. And as epic has advertised so elegantly that any idiots can use it. And we aren't exactly the brightest apple in the knife draw. Also because the models/textures don't have to be as of high quality etc.
Anyway we hope to release a demo for the game in the next few months but we aren't holding our breaths. Why? Because we need oxygen to live. And to obtain the necessary amount of oxygen we need to live we must preform the act of breathing and holding our breaths would be counter productive.
We are back. That is all.