Post news RSS Helena the 3rd Released

Helena the 3rd has finally been released and is now available to purchase

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Get Helena from Indievania at !

Helena the 3rd has finally been completed and we think that we have created a really fun title inspired by games of olde, titles such as Blaster Master, Megaman and Metroid spring to mind. The above video is our latest Helena the 3rd Trailer, showing some of the levels, powerups, and gameplay styles held within.

Helena The 3rd is an action platformer where you pilot a tank named Helena capable of jumping. Exploring various styled underground caverns and battling hostile robotic enemies. You'll need to leave your vehicle on occasion to explore rooms you can only get to by foot. Gameplay switches from 3rd person to FPS as you search for the powerful upgrades you'll need to progress to new areas.

If you are an Ubuntu Linux user Helena the 3rd is available to buy directly from the Ubuntu Software Centre. Windows and other Linux users can either buy directly from our website or from Indievania where it is priced at $4.99.

Links - To buy from Indievania $4.99 - Helena the 3rd's Hompage

Sph!nx - - 722 comments

Congrats on the release!

I've been tracking this one. Though the visuals feels somewhat of mixed styles, the gameplay appeals to me and I will be purchasing this soon. I just need to wait for my new pc to arrive.

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