Post news RSS Hatchet: Help Wanted

This might be sizable, so I'll just say to Read The Full Post on this guy. Thanks for your time and interest!

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Don't feel like lots of reading: TL;DR, We Want Outside Help for Hatchet! PM offers or post questions in response to this, we're good listeners.

As members and players of the Deus Ex Community, a lot of us have heard about modding, played tons of mods at this point, known people who do modding, and a very high percentage of us have even take a swing or two at the SDK at some point, with varying levels of continued self-interest and success.

We want to make Hatchet grand, as well rounded as we can manage, and make it one more shining badge of community bond us DX'rs wear with pride, increasingly over the years. But for that, we need more hands on deck, simply put. This is our open invitation for anyone willing to offer help or maybe just wanting to learn enough about the inside of Hatchet (as it is rather hush-hush at some points and you can only judge interest by contents, in many cases) to decide if they want to help out.

We are open to all sorts of roles and abilities. The only major exception thus far is coding, since both me (WCCC) and Atrey are very strong coders, but that's not to say there isn't code that could use some alleviating as well.

*A texturer but not a mapper? No problem, we could use that plenty.
*Can you do just a bit of mapping, but not major geometry? Great, we could use hands to fill in details and tops off the last stages of maps.
*Not sure what mix of abilities and aptitude you have? We wouldn't mind talking it over and figuring it out.
*And much much more!

Mapping, voice acting, textures, writers, whatever. If you're interested, we open the door gratefully.

Feel free to PM or Post offers and questions. We hope to hear from interested people in the future, but we don't want to twist your arm either!

~Sincerely, WCCC

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