Post news RSS HardQore update coming soon

Just a brief post on the status of the mod and the porting to Dhewm3.

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In September I posted the HardQore mod had been ported to Dhewm 3. However the binaries are not available unless you compiled the released gpl source code. I did not forget about the mod!

The reason I haven't uploaded them yet is simple. I've been busy with the Rivensin mod port. With the Rivensin update coming to a close, I will start working on the HQ update for Dhewm 3.

The update will not be as extensive as the Rivensin update has been, but will still add in some much needed features for the updated engine. This includes proper support and system options for modern display resolutions, graphic settings and options to stretch or not stretch the gui interfaces when in wide screen.

A few game play tweaks and balances will be done. The bloom effect has been replaced with Rivenin''s HDR lighting system and improved ambient lighting. The HDR is already implanted and was very easy to port.

I am also investigating adding controller support and more visual upgrades to the game. A proper news post and more info the contents of the update will happen soonish.


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