It's been well over a month since the last update so we wanted to make a brief update to let you know how things are progressing.
Time working on the game has been reduced a little due to freelance commitments, Christmas and various other things but we've been working solid whenever we can.
During the December period I've mainly been working on re-writing big chunks of the tile map code, the main reason was to implement the new style artwork shown last update. We also discovered that due to my rather peculiar isometric code it was a pain for Dan to tackle the path finding and combat so I also wanted to tackle that in the re-write, luckily I found a really handy guide which has helped massively. That's all done now bar a few polishing touches so I'm moving back onto working up a small area of the map to get in game.
Dan has been hard at work writing the path finding and improved collision code which will be getting finalised this week all being well, he's also started work on the new combat mechanic so fingers crossed in the coming month we can get some video footage of that up along with the new environment in game and the other tweaks we have been making.
Until next time.