Post news RSS Half Life Absolute Zero Is Back Baby!

Half-life absolute zero has very suddenly returned from the dead as we can see by the upcoming release date shown on the page.

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Greetings fellow readers, I have exiting news for many beta fans out there! and also half-life absolute zero fans! half-life absolute zero has, very suddenly, returned from the dead! a while back, people noticed that there was a release date on half-life absolute zeros page reading "Release Date Q4 2023" obviously people got very excited and confused by this. Was half-life absolute zero really back? if so, then why? well, those questions have not been answered yet, it is likely that the developers will explain to us eventually, as I can imagine they are very busy. However, 2023 and 2022 has been a great year for half-life and half-life 2 beta fans overall, and this release date is making it even better! for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, allow me to explain.

you see, half-life absolute zero is a half-life mod that has seen many years of development, in 2015 a very old, (and low quality to say the least) version of absolute zero titled "Half-life E3 1998/1997 mod) was released to the public. it's still there to download if anybody is curious about it. but eventually half-life absolute zero saw its resurgence. and the development was going well! while it did start to get crazy it wasn't cancelled yet. and many versions released. however, on October 9, 2020, to many people's sadness, an article was made explaining how half-life absolute zero has been cancelled and why. and eventually, people moved on. but were still sad about it. after a couple years, that's when half-life absolute zero got revived in 2023.

hopefully this isn't just a troll here and this is actually true, while some may not be hopeful, many people are including myself, so my message to my fellow readers is stay patient boys! it's going to be released! and to the developers, Welcome back Half-life absolute zero, it's amazing to have you back!

lambdaguy Author
lambdaguy - - 188 comments


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ChillaxSnow396 - - 2 comments

same what...??

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