Post news RSS Gunpowder now available on iPhone

We are happy to announce to that Gunpowder is now officially on iPhone, universal, and the game is on sale for 60% off, dropping it to $1.99 from $4.99. The universal version also supports iPad.

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Gunpowder has been out for a decent amount of time on iPad, Amazon Kindle and PC now, but that whole time we were also working on bringing it on over to iPhone, and now it is available! This iOS universal version still offers 150 levels of explosive and challenging puzzles, charming animations and a cartoon style story by Earthworm Jim animator Mike Dietz. It is on sale for $1.99 for a limited time on the App Store and here is another trailer to show the game in motion.

This will most likely be the last Gunpowder release in a while and now most of our work is being devoted to First Wonder, which is now also on IndieDB. Thanks for checking it out and we hope you enjoy the unique adventure that is Gunpowder!

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