If an runtime error occurs: install or re-install Microsoft Visual C++ retribution 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2015.
Mod development will be continued and we are hoping to solve the issues sooner or later. Due to absence of Master server and Game itself, it becomes super complicated to get everything to work right. It makes us to put the standalone project on the top of our priorities.
We are super hyped to announce something big. Project Remaster v1.0 has been released after long (1,5 years+ of development time). Yeah, you got it. It's out now. The release is not perfect, but it's in a pretty good shape right now.
Looking backwards at very first our progress (I've been posting updates on BFSP page since 1st of December, 2016. So it's been hella a while!). And now I can raise a digital toast (so imagine holding a glass or wine, beer or anything you like, my friend, and start downloading the mod right now).
First release is mainly Singleplayer focused and do not be dissapointed if there are some quirks that were not fixed. This version is to find out how the mod works on other people
rigs and to collect some neccessary feedback. So we'll be able to 'craft' the second version as something better and insert the multiplayer element. Right now it's singleplayer-only and be happy as you'll avoid all the toxic players! :)
UNLOCKS DOES NOT WORK AS MASTER SERVER IS OFFLINE. The only way to get unlocks is to pick up kits from fallen soldiers. DOWNLOAD BFSP OFFLINE PROFILE FIX here.
Basic instructions:
As usually and probably you've predicted, the mod will require BF2142 updated to the magical patch v1.51 which can be found online. Since BF2142 has been removed from the stores (as a
digital copy) it might be more difficult to find the base game than the patch now, so make sure there's someone who can lend you the original disk, or try to find game online.
Extract and put Project_Remaster1.0 folder into BF2142/mods so mods: Project_Remaster1.0 and bf2142 will be in the same place.
Try to launch it by using included exes in the mod folder. If it does not work, try to edit the included shortcut.
Besides the included exes, there are two ways to start the mod: through shortcut and via custom games, in BF2142 menu which works not for everyone.
At first case, you'll need shortcut which is included in mod folder. Right click on the shortcut and find those properties:
Target line:
"C:\Games\Battlefield 2142\BF2142.exe" +menu 1 +fullscreen 1 +widescreen 1 +szx 1920 +szy 1080 +modPath mods/Project_Remaster1.0
Start in line:
"C:\Games\Battlefield 2142"
Right now you'll have to edit the lines and write the correct location where your game is installed
The other way to start the mod is via custom games in default BF2142. If you click to activate the mod, game might appear to crash, but in reality is it just minimized so you'll
be able to re-enter it.
We really wish we could make mod into a standalone, but it potentially might hurt the development as sharing the game is against copyrights. So be creative and do not give up in order to find the game!
(I'd probably insert a sad emoji here, but not the saddest one)
Big updates:
- HUD and crosshair improvements by Sgt_Prof. Yeah, crosshair was a thing which always bothered me. On 1080p vanilla one was pretty blurred out (just as it should be) so I took
an action and revamped plenty of stuff here regarding crosshair for firearms and vehicles. Maybe it's so perfect, but it will make game feel better on those new fancy monitors.
And besides everything, hit indicator got some love as well. The old blurry ball wouldn't go along the new stuff anyways. - Animations. There were plenty of small improvements by TUERIX. Everything is twice as smooth and visually pleasing just as it was in our very first vision. Few sprint animations were updated to meet the general style of all the weapons.
- Tweaks. Pistols are more effective now and they might save your life even against full HP foes if you are lucky. Infantry FOV has been reduced from 1.3 to 1.22 so weapons and equipment takes up less of the screen and less obscure view. Some weapons got improved recoil patterns for sake of immersion. In the end there were plenty of navmesh improvements, but they weren't very successful and were reverted to previous versions.
- Maps: Operation Easten Storm is here and ready for singleplayer action. It's amazing to see Kiaksar2142's map in action! Navmesh by Dnamro. Damn how I love this map, guys :)
- What we didn't completed? A full set of jumping animations for every weapon/gadget. Only Zeller and Ares got them, so we can tell you that it is possible to do it! But it requires
some (I mean a lot) extra time, passion and talent. And here I shall mention our Magician and The Bright Lord of animating and research - TUERIX. Without him this mod would only have
few nice textures and nothing very fancy besides em'. But stay tuned for future, it does not mean we are going to stop. There are many more things that could be done. And personally we'd like to get weapons customization to get expanded. We could add much more gadgets and weapons but the limit is the customization system...
We have several ideas what could/will be done next. We'll keep updating the mod by proving animation improvements, weapons balance. But we also would like to know what you want to see next as well.
Besides v1.0 singleplayer and Lite version with reduced visual quality for low end pcs, we also could work on "Vanilla-like" version which would contain the basic equipment only (4 new ones, ice axed and motion ball gadget would be removed) and weapons would be brought back to default stats except for the new animations. Besides current project, we also have made some progress on one secret project.
For more detailed content updates you can track official gun list: docs.google.com
That's it for now. Keep tracking our project, leave suggestions and ideas to make it even better. We are very excited to post every single new update!
This is so amaizing!
Well, this is a pleasant surprise!
How many bots can you run?
64 worked for me. Depends on system to be honest. Going over 140 might result in severe lag on small maps^^
Push the download button, here i goooo!!...
I will get it as soon as i get home with adequate internet connection...
Thank you for releasing this)
HELL YES! I know what i am going to be playing when i get off work. :D Nice work guys!
Это божественно! Спасибо вам за вашу работу)
Интересно, возможно ли будет установить этот мод на проект NOVGAMES?
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Windows cannot find 'BF2142_offline.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly and then try again
Found this fix. Had to edit the whole profile thing with notepad to get past the profile error.
noticed a pretty big bug where for some reason at a certain angle you lose view of the whole world and only see the outside world? Also getting crashes every game... cant play a full game. :(
But it looks great.
Looks amazing can't wait to download and try it out! Its been awhile since I have played BF2142, this will give me a great reason play again!
i was thinking just the other day it would be awesome if some kind soul tried to re master 2142. glad to see there is a kind soul. thank you so much for your work sgt_prof. for all those looking for a good way to get the game going now that its not "for sale" anymore this should help you Battlefield2142.co
hola! muy buenas! saludos de argentina! me encontré con este mod un día antes de la salida y de curioso lo descarge!
Entrando en detalles el mod me encanto! y va muy bien! una joya para recordar viejos tiempos. Pero tuve problemas en el momento de estar jugando, debes en cuando el juego se cierra en plena partida, o a veces me sucede que se friza la imagen pero el juego en el fondo sigue corriendo. otro error es que hay mapas que no se abren, cargan el nivel pero se cierra al comenzar. ojala puedan solucionar estos minimos problemas ya que el mod esta genial. saludos
Great work, too bad i don't have time to work on my yt channel, i loved to make videos about mods like this.
Chicken butt!