Post news RSS guess what!?!

hello everyone, we got great news for yins. We are back oiling our gears and startin up the machine again. our mod has been down for almost a year now but we have come to the conclusion that the mod should be and done before some one else does. We are almost startin from scratch again. we lost a lot

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hello everyone,
we got great news for yins. We are back oiling our gears and startin up the machine again.
our mod has been down for almost a year now but we have come to the conclusion that the mod should be and done before some one else does. We are almost startin from scratch again. we lost a lot of our members but we are bringin back of few of the them. Like I think i said before there is not to many( hand full ) like our idea. please inform your friends of this.also if you are interested with this mod and are in question of the jobs that you could do send me a pm.
thanks again, were hopin to get the job done this time.


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