Hey there, this is a short post announcing that Grimrush is ready and will be releasing on 30th of november, that is thursday, next week as of this post.
Without futher ado, here's the link to the Steam page and the new trailer: Store.steampowered.com
"Grimrush is a top down action game in which you must face off a gauntlet of seven brutal boss fights. Utilize three characters and a large selection of active and passive abilities. Balance offense and defense to take down the bosses and maximize your score!"
We succeeded mostly in what we wanted to achieve with Grimrush, making a challenging boss fighting/score attack game that can be played through in one sitting. It was a great experience working on it, we've learned a great deal. I will write more in depth about the developement and some nice features in Grimrush next week with the release! See you then.
Thanks for reading.