Post news RSS Greenlit! Plus what we've been up to lately

We've been Greenlit! Multiplayer engine design is out now. Plus a general update on bits and pieces we've been up to.

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Automation has been Greenlit!

So, this happened! Check out the full news post by Steam Greenlight at
Over the next few weeks/months we'll be working on all the red tape (fun things like registering for a US tax number etc) and it looks like we should be able to get it up on Early Access so it can be bought similar to the way it is now (preordered, final game released as updates)If you already own a copy bought from our website we'll be looking into if we can offer a conversion over to a steam key (like Kerbal Space Program), meaning you could either choose to continue to use it the way you are, or have a steam version instead More news from us as we find out how this process works.

Multiplayer Engine Design Challenge Mode Out

With the Open Beta of the multiplayer finished, you recently got access to an automatic update which includes the quick-fire multiplayer engine design mode! Now you can challenge players from around the world to compete for who's the most skilled, in direct competition and against the clock!

Engine Designer Manual

Automation Engine Designer Manual

As this mode can be pretty brain-melting, it is an excellent time to release a first version of the Automation Game Manual. It is written by Martin "Der Bayer" Herrmann who is a long-time beta tester and totally owns everyone when it comes to being kick-ass at the game.

Remember the good old days where manuals came with actually relevant, non-trivial info, tables and all that good stuff? Where you would take it to school to study it in the breaks and forge strategies? Yeah, it's like that, good stuff!
You can download the manual here, and the tutorial .lua engine files that go along with the manual here.

Please leave your constructive feedback in our forums!

Automation Subreddit

Use reddit? Go check out The Automation Subreddit

What we're working on.

Currently we are working full steam on the marriage between Engine Designer and Car Designer, i.e. giving you the opportunity to place your engine designs into your car designs! This will take some time of course, but will be awesome once done. We are aiming for getting this essential part completed around end of October / early November.

I think that is all for now!

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