Post news RSS Great Expanse Pre-Alpha Released

Great Expanse v.0.0.1 Pre-Alpha Test has been added to the downloads page, mainly as a proof-of-concept, and a method for bug-reports and community typo checking. The current release doesn't have much content, but I'm working hard on it.

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Hey folks!

The first public release of Great Expanse has been released, and is available for download on our Downloads page. It doesn't contain much gameplay, but it's primary purpose is to serve as a proof-of-concept and a method for me to get feedback, criticism, bug reports, and typo reports. If the internet won't correct my grammar and spelling, then who will?!

As previously mentioned, there isn't much content in yet. All it contains is the finished character creation (which is subject to change, and contains no music or art), and the incomplete first passage of Chapter 1. There is also no way to save or load the game as of now, but there isn't much reason too - once there is enough gameplay to warrant a savegame, I'll definitely add the function.

Also, here are some social media links that I will use to update the community more regularly than ModDB (ModDB is mainly going to be used for major developments, while Blogspot is for smaller update, and Twitter for little tidbits)




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