Post news RSS Gladiators of the arena version 0.51 comming soon !

It will incorporate a lot of fixes better AI and one new option of light armour

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We will add also a new menĂº system because last one caused errors thanks for following .

The Ai will be even better and better optimzed tan before.

Weapons will be more balanced in timing damage .

Shield will probably get replaced .

Bow will be optimized to be much better and accurate.

we will try to ptimize the code so it will run smoother .

A different mirror link wil lbe set so everyone can donwload fast enough .

Tunic will be added as new armour , and ligth armoured gladiator will be addded aswell .

we'll try fix the pickup and drop problems .

dual wield weapons will have sound , they didn't .

Thanks for Reading

"Ferran tantunya TCO programmer " ...

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