Post news Report RSS Ghostly Horizon Beta Release Date

The date for the official beta release of Ghostly Horizon is here! Get all the info you need below about getting access.

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Hello everyone!

We are very excited about today’s announcement. After several months of hard work, we can finally present to you that our official beta of Ghostly Horizon will go live on the 15th December. Exciting right?

Get access to the beta of Ghostly Horizon

To get access to the beta, all you have to do is use below link to sign up, and then you will receive a key so that you can access the game through Steam on the 15th December.

Currently, we have 1500 beta slots up for grabs. If more participants have signed up, a random selection will distribute the keys. If you are not successful in receiving a key, new keys will be released after a few weeks once the first weeks of beta have concluded.

Beta Sign-up Site:

Beta Features and Servers

The beta will feature Singleplayer, Co-op and Competitive Multiplayer. The game modes available during the beta will be:

Conquest – Team-based multiplayer

Battle Royale – Free for all multiplayer

Invasion – Co-op and Singleplayer

Survival – Co-op and Singleplayer

Offical servers will be up and running Friday to Sunday every week. Of course, anyone can start their own servers for both Online and LAN use at any time so don’t be afraid. You will be able to battle all day, every day if you’d like to.

Join our Discord Server

We also wish to welcome all players to join our official Discord server:

Official Discord Server: VwG4KYS

Through this channel, we wish to have a direct communication with you, our players, and everything from bug-reports, suggestions etc. is highly welcomed to be shared here. We also hope this will be a good place for you to connect with other players and as you might understand… this is the place to be! J

The beta will end a couple of weeks before Early-Access Release which is preliminary in March 2018.

As you understand we are very excited to finally be able to let you get a proper taste of Ghostly Horizon and we hope you are equally excited for this. We also want to remind you that we are idle ears for all your thoughts and suggestions so please let us know all your thoughts while you get into some fierce battles between your Ghosts and Ectos!

Best regards,

Ghostly Horizon Team

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