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Repong is starting to take shape! Getting ready for a first release of the beta.

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After a little break and some brainstorming, repong is now finally starting to take shape.
I was planning on releasing a small version of the beta a while ago, but I decided not to since ive encountered some problems with the profile system. Profiles weren't synchronized with the login system, causing some problems when selecting a player.

Anyways, this update is mostly bug fixes, and small changes with the login system.
Onwards to the screenshots!

This is the new profile creation screen.
Looks alot better than before! Im planning on adding the ability to select your own key layout depending on the profile.

Profile Creation
Profile Creation

I liked the layout of this. Pretty neat! I tried to make the selection of color user friendly, for people that arent familiar with using RGB values for color.

Profile Creation
Profile Creation

Passwords add protection to your account. Other people that do not know your password cant login, or errase your account. Repong needed this password system since profiles were really easy to delete. One could loose their progress with a click of a button.

Profile Creation

This is the last one. Whenever you want to do something with the profile, you need to unlock it if it has a password. Protection~

Aside from that, i will not reveal any information about powerups for the time being.
Lets just say, you will have a "blast" when you get the chance to play :D

That is all for this week.
Lets get our hands dirty with some code .D.

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