Post news RSS Game's Awaiting Trial

This title may cease development for good or may continue, the trial has begun and is not looking good. Everyone at ZE Gamez is arguing if It Is Just A Game should be continued or tossed into the recycle bin.

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We here are split on this matter and have many reasons why we believe in stopping and continuing.


-It's not a another zombie game
-The plot is more unique compared to the typical games on today (mainly all zombie, FB games, scams, and shooters)
-We have the resources to continue
-People seem interested in this compared to other titles in development (25 so far)
-The story and plot are finished and just need to be integrated into the game
-It's a free game and will gain some notice and or players


-The engine is too limited
-Team is split
-There are more 'fresh' genres and types of games to develop
-Too much hate on the engine and will lead to the game not getting recognized
-We have other games to attend to

So until we can come to an agreement, it's not getting anywhere. BUT, we'd like to hear from you trackers and others. Continue or stop?

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