Post news RSS Game Development: How our game idea developed - Update #2

Oooooh yes, this is a special video we are releasing to show our process so far and invite you to a party of boobies, zombies, action packed adventure and epic challenging gameplay.

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Oooooh yes, this is a special video we are releasing to show our process so far and invite you to a party of boobies, zombies, action packed adventure and epic challenging gameplay.

Today is a special day. No worries you didn’t forget a birthday. However it is the day we are releasing a video log about “Jazon and the Dead”. It’s our first video and it shows the development so far. It’s filled with boobies, zombies, action and cool art work. We show our inspiration expanding from George A. Romero to Mike Mignola. However this is not only for us to present our work, it’s also an invitation. An invitation for you to follow our process, but not only that, to be part of it as well!! It’s going to be like an open party so you can invite all your friends as well. It’s also the kind of party where you don’t have to leave your computer. You are not able to see the other persons at the party in real life so we can promise that there will be a lot of beautiful women.

So far we have been developing concept for the game, and fleshed out the story. It’s a hard line to balance because we have limited time, so we can’t dig too much into a specific section yet. However things are moving forward fast and the progress is already showing.

2D Look test

3D Look test of Jazon

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Best regards,
Dennis Jensen
CEO, 2nd Studio

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