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StepWood Productions, LLC has decided to focus its energy on a different project.

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StepWood Productions, LLC has decided that it has to temporarily cut funding for one of the projects we are working on. Unfortunately, with such a small crew, we couldn't maintain the necessary pieces to keep both of our major projects running.

After much consideration, we decided to shelve Galactic Usurper in favor of our other project. There are a few reasons for this:

  1. Galactic Usurper didn't add much to the "Turn Based Space Combat" genre. It's got some interesting components, but we couldn't really find our special place next to such great games as Master of Orion, etc.
  2. The multiplayer aspects of GU were weighing down the development time. We tried over the past 6 months to make an interesting version of GU that would be single player, but it just didn't come together.
  3. The multiplayer aspects of GU were going to cost us for the infrastructure, and we couldn't see a clear path to earning that money to keep it running without going the free to play, pay to play route. We were opposed to making game play based on people paying money into the game which left us with subscription models. We weren't sure how that would go over in the mobile space.

The code is still ready to be developed, but we needed to focus on a more interesting, direct to customer model that didn't require the larger infrastructure GU will require to be successful. So, we have decided to temporarily shut down development on GU until our other project is in the hands of all of you!

That being said, I hope to be able to announce the other project here once we have some decent media to show off. It's coming together nicely, but artwork is not our studio's strong point. So, stick around for the next project and then we will revisit GU when the time is right to bring the best turn based space conquest game to market!

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