Post news RSS Full Invasion 2 - “Beta Release & Information”

Full Invasion 2: Amber is the latest update to the already beloved co-op mod for Mount & Blade: Warband. It is soon to enter beta, where you and your friends can help us make it even better before the full release.

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Greetings, Defenders.

Taking a page from TaleWorlds’ book, it’s been some time since the last news update for Full Invasion 2: Amber. This was never our intention, so hopefully we can prevent this from happening again in the future. This post will be packed with information regarding the upcoming beta testing that will take place on the Official Server over the coming weeks.

For this article especially, your feedback is greatly appreciated in the comments below. Please direct your attention to our Official Steam Group, as it will be the main way to discuss and gain access to the beta version.



The sheer amount of work that has gone into Full Invasion 2: Amber is incredible. We have kept a very basic changelog going throughout development to note the major changes being made. That rough document alone is already a number of pages long. If the changelog were to properly reflect all the changes made to the module, its page count would put George R.R. Martin to shame.

The entire mod has essentially been rebuilt from the ground up thanks to the talented members of our team. We have done our best over the past few months to improve balance, performance, overall polish, and to place a little more emphasis on working together and having fun. With how much the mod has grown over the past years, we are infinitely glad to contribute to it in a positive way - making it even more enjoyable than it was before.

  • The maps have all been tinkered with to improve AI pathing and the game’s flow.
  • Defending factions have been expanded and augmented to improve balance, variety, and replayability.
  • Every invading faction has been changed to make them more unique and fun to play against.
  • An incredible amount of features have been added for admins and server owners to make use of.
  • Tons of UI and control improvements to make things easier and more customizable for the player (optional minimap, health bars, screenshot mode, etc.)
  • Hundreds of bugs have been fixed along the way, making the entire experience more enjoyable (and stable).
  • Along with the pages of improvements, we have also snuck in a few little secrets for the community to discover; you’re encouraged to explore this time around ;)

Of course, these claims don’t mean much unless you can see the game in action. That’s why we are encouraging you to come participate in the beta testing period for Full Invasion 2: Amber.


Beta Testing:

We will be releasing the beta build on the 18th of December for the community to try out. The official server will be running the build for a number of weeks, during which your direct feedback can contribute towards improving the module before its full release.

If you plan to participate in the beta, you will want to become a member of our Official Steam Group. This is where all the information regarding the beta will be placed, as well as relevant threads to provide your feedback on the mod. If you are a member of our Steam group, you will have priority on the server and may also be contacted to participate in closed tests to ensure everything special is working properly.

Beach Battle


If you can currently run the module, we suspect you will have no troubles running the new version. In fact, Full Invasion 2: Amber should perform even better than before. This is due to all the improvements made to the module system as well as to the in-game performance.

With that said, we still cannot ensure it will work for players on Mac- or Linux- based operating systems. We have had no way to properly test the mod’s performance on these systems, which is a strong reason why we need player feedback during the beta. Help us help you, and use our Steam Group to report any issues you experience during the beta.


That is all for now, but expect another update to come shortly with more information regarding the beta. We will also be posting various discussion threads to our Steam Group in preparation for the beta. Let us hear your thoughts in the comments below, or ask those burning questions you have.

See you soon!

Mr47. - - 4 comments

About time, good luck.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
RussianBadAss - - 188 comments

Glad to hear all this...especially about requirements

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Himjar - - 266 comments

The Hype!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
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