Post news RSS Full Invasion 2: Amber Release (Beta)

The Full Invasion 2: Amber beta is the latest released update to the already beloved co-op mod for Mount & Blade: Warband. It has now entering beta and is looking for your feedback!

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Greetings, Defenders

We at Wave 53 Studios believe that today is one of the most important in the entirety of Full Invasion 2's history. While the journey is not quite over yet, it has been an amazing opportunity to work on a module so beloved by the community. We are all thankful for the players, both old and new, who will be joining us on the road ahead.

So, in a time of year where others are busy celebrating countdowns and calendars or unwrapping presents beneath a tree, we ask that you join your shield with us and dig in for the long fight.

The Official Beta for Full Invasion 2: Amber has just begun.


We detailed how to gain access to the beta in a previous article, so direct your attention there if you're unfamiliar. It will guide you through the steps all the way from downloading to playing. You will need to be a member of our Official Steam Group to gain access to the server password.

Once you're on the server, you will find a number of things different to how they were in the past. If you get confused, feel free to ask other players on the server for assistance. The community is incredibly helpful and there should always be an admin or developer on throughout testing.

A change which you might notice quickly is that the chat key has been rebound to 'P'. This is because of the new chat system implemented in Full Invasion 2 that we spoke about a few months back in another article.


It is very important to note that while this beta is leagues beyond anything Full Invasion 2 has been in the past, this is not an official release. The purpose of this beta is to provide a controlled testing ground for developers. There are features currently missing from the game and players can potentially experience problems along the road. This is a good thing - if players report the problems, we can have them fixed before the full release. This is why it is important to give your feedback on the Official Steam Group. Not only will you have the chance to be invited to special closed testing, but you'll be helping the mod become even better for the future. It does not matter if your feedback is positive, negative, or somewhere in between; we want to hear all of it.

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Thank you all for the support you have given to myself and the entirety of the development team over the months we have been working on Full Invasion 2. It has been incredible to play and engage with the community throughout development, this update would not have been possible if not for the feedback and opinions you shared with us. But, like we have said in the past, this journey is far from over!

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