Post news RSS Friend Invite system now live on Nintendo Switch!

We have just released an update which adds friend invites to the Nintendo Switch version of Tricky Towers! Whenever you host an online game, there will be a code shown in your lobby. Simply send this code to your friends, and they can enter it to join your game. Perfect for quick matches with your buddies or online tournaments!

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The warm reception we’ve got from Nintendo Switch players has been wonderful, and we’ve been listening to feedback - including requests for a friend invite system. It’s been a much requested feature since we launched, and we’re delightedto be adding it to the game!

How will it work? In short, whenever you host an online game, there will be a code shown in your lobby. Simply send this code to your friends, and they can enter it to join your game. Perfect for quick matches with your buddies or online tournaments! Speaking of tournaments, don't forget that you can actually print their own 3D trophy cup with our free printable tournament pack available at The pack includes everything you need to host your own wizard tournament!

Best of luck in your multiplayer matches!

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