Post news RSS Friday Update: September 24th, 2010

Shipment is previewed. Also: Some news on some bugfixes and weapons.

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Update #11

September 24th, 2010

This week has been a slower-than-usual one. Fortunately, we have some news for you guys this week that may entice you. If you wish to get easy access to future updates and/or improve the team's morale, click on "Track this Mod" over on the right. You can also help out by posting on our forums, or even better, by lending a hand in the effort.

Not too much in the way of code and graphics got done for this week, I apologize. However, I have gotten word back from Silverfang. Seems he got word from Pande, one of the resident skinners over at Jedi Knight Galaxies. Pande has offered to skin a few weapons for us, starting with the M16.

The team decided it was best to not change connection screen based on gametype, but rather based on how far you are in to connection. It also changes the display to "Solo Game" appropriately.

In addition to this, a bug got fixed that caused many weapon icons to display missing textures if they were out of ammo. This has been corrected, and now all weapons have uniform out of ammo icons.

To end this week's news update, I saved the best for last. j3rk, our old friend in the mapping and modding world, has announced that he has completed a port of "Shipment" to Gunslinger's Academy, which we were pretty impressed with. Media will be provided as soon as some touching up is done to the map.

This is eezstreet, signing off.

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