Post news RSS Four Months Later...

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has supported and followed our progress before the Christmas period, and prepare you for the alpha release in early 2014.

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It has been four long, dedicated months since we began work on our first ever indie title, Unbreakable: Scorched Earth. We’ve been through a lot, hit every problem in and around games development, and somehow we’re still standing stronger than we were at the start. It’s safe to say we’ve all learnt one hell of a lot, and it’s all come together incredibly nicely to help create something that is almost ready for the public to play.

This week we’ve been working on some of the more final touches to the alpha (mainly starting on texturing, in order to make everything look more presentable) and the final shape of both Ellental’s Fortress and Aria are beginning to set. We’re still on course to release it to you guys and girls next month, so stay tuned for updates on that as and when they arise. We’re focused on giving you an experience you’ll enjoy, and we don’t want to disappoint!

We also want to take this opportunity before Christmas to thank everyone that has helped us thus far in the making of Unbreakable – a full list will be included in the credits so you’ll be mentioned by name, but we’re very appreciative of everything you’ve all done for us and your continued support means the world to us. If you haven’t already let your friends, co-workers, family, and others know about us, please do so, and we’ll repay the favour in kind come January! The avenues you can find us on are over on the contact page, but for ease you can find us on these:


Have an amazing Christmas everyone, and we look forward to seeing you in 2014!

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