Fresh out of a six month hiatus is the re-launching of, an independent FPS built on classic Doom technology. After dealing with some of the worst web hosting problems known to man kind, Foreverhood finds its-self with a new host, a new design and a new release.
For the first time in its three year development, Foreverhood has released version 1.0, a public beta demonstrating the dynamics of its currently experimental gameplay and story.
For those of you unaware of what foreverhood is, it is an independent title developed by the efforts of one determined individual on classic doom technology. Basted on the concept of memories having their own worlds, Foreverhood takes the player through three surprisingly unique environments as they try to survive in a dying land. Within their abstract adventure, the player must choose whether they would like to fight in unison with a dying planet, or destroy it with the new invaders that have infested the land.
All the details of the project and the 1.0 release can be found at