Post news RSS Fixing the radio, for real this time. Plus other fixes.

The broken car radio in SGW3 is one of those little bugs that has eaten away at me ever since I first played the game. I finally found a solution.

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The Problem:

When you enter a vehicle in SGW3, the car radio does not play. When you press K to turn on the radio, nothing happens. When you press K a second time, the radio turns on.

My Original Solution:

In a much earlier version of this mod, I fixed this problem by modifying the keybind for K to make it trigger twice. (When pressed, and when released.) This kinda-sorta fixed the problem in a roundabout way. But it had the side effect of not allowing you to actually turn the radio off, and it clearly wasn't the intended behavior, after all. If pressing K a second time was turning on the radio, this logically implied that the original intention was for the radio to be turned on to begin with.

A Much Better Solution:

While I don't have access to the underlying scripting, I can access the car audio XML tables. my rather cunning solution was to transplant the "start radio" Wwise audio call into the "star car" trigger. What this means is that when you get into the car, and John/Robert/Lydia turns the key, the car's radio is triggered. As a result, pressing K for the first time now turns the radio off. Pressing it again turns it back on. This is the intended behavior, considering how the bug manifests.

Another irritating little bug squashed. That broken radio was so irritating for so long. What's the point of featuring a bunch of Georgian songs if most players are never going to hear them because the car radio requires two button presses to work every time you get into the car?

What else is new in 0.45?

Fixed Gamepad Controls:

After I released 0.44, I was planning on stopping development of the mod for a few months to focus on other work. But after I released the mod, I quickly noticed that something was wrong with the gamepad controls. Turns out, some time ago I removed delay on weapon wheels that is quite counterproductive on PC, but necessary for gamepads due to so many functions being layered on the same buttons. This has now been fixed.

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Removed Hit Markers:

Hit markers in singleplayer FPS games are one of those "Why would you do this? This is a multiplayer design idea that you've put into a singleplayer game because... reasons" kinda deals. They have been removed from the Improvement Project.

Fixed Medkit/ADS Regression:

I don't know how long this has been a problem, but somewhere along the line, combining medkit wheel and medkit use into a single button had a slight snag in the configuration. The end result was that using a medkit would typically result in being unable to aim down sights unless you change weapons. This is obviously a very bad thing, and it has been fixed. I hope.

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