Post news RSS First Release

If you look at our compleation in the profile, you'll see it's 80% (The acutrate % is 81%). The First release will include: Factions; Allies - America, Korea, France, Germany, Great Britan Soviets - Libya, Iraq, Cuba, Russia Maps; Downtown It will no include: Naval Units Yuri Generals Powers

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If you look at our compleation in the profile, you'll see it's 80% (The acutrate % is 81%).

The First release will include:

Allies - America, Korea, France, Germany, Great Britan
Soviets - Libya, Iraq, Cuba, Russia

It will no include:

Naval Units
Generals Powers
Soviets - Japan
Secondary Country units

lricardo - - 6 comments

i am very glad about these news!, i cant wait for the first release!, also its very good to have news frequently, congratulations, keep working in the same way.

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