So after working for about an hour just trying to get fog to look perfect and also experimenting a bit with a 3D skybox ( which is something i rarely do since most of my maps are indoors ) i finally resulted in a good looking map which you can view in the images section or somewhere on this main page i think lol and away from mapping news the first alpha for this should be available around the release date for portal 2 ( april 18th ) the alpha will include the following
*the intro to the mod completed
*crash scene map complete
*about half of chapter 1
and thats all i can really include in the first alpha and if you have not noticed this will be open development and have alot of open alphas and the chapter one is practically you chasing the person who caused the car crash killing your wife through the forest at the entrance to the forest you see a sign that reads "STAY ON THE PATH" and you choose stay on the path, or stray from it?