There’s been yet more animation done this week, however as a change of pace I decided to take a stab at fleshing out one of the next levels to come for Super Hematoma. It’s going to be a rainy night-time city level from the west coast of Canada.
That’s right, a good portion of the levels that we conceptualized are heavily inspired by our strong Canadian heritage. Level 1? The Alberta Oil Sands… a grimy out-door level with a flammable muck that could spell doom if you’re caught in it when someone sets it ablaze. Nothing says Canada like out-of-control eco-hazard!
The second level is a little bit more homey for Matt and I, a dirty street corner in a rainy city circa 2011! You can tell it’s a city that loves it’s hockey by the flaming police car and occasional rioting crowd to pass through!
This level should only require one new animation cycle: climbing the ladders. It’s going to be effects heavy itself though as I’m going to want to have some rain, flaming cars, and a crowd that randomly spawns and tramples through the street level. Some spinning fans in the air conditioning units, city lights… this level will definitely keep me busy for a bit. Maybe I should start on the chiptune for it?