Hello all! The very first release of B-12 is available for download. It's free to download, but a donation of any amount will grant access to all future/paid versions as well as a Steam key when the game is released there. The game is currently up for voting on Steam Greenlight.
Alpha 0.0.1 features the first three (out of 12) procedural levels and the first four (out of 12) types of Brantisky robots that you'll encounter in combat. The menus and options are in-place, and everything is actually quite polished. I've worked hard to create a very solid foundation for this first release, but a lot of things are still missing (such as scoring/stats, more detail/variety in the levels, improvements to AI, mysterious hidden monoliths, etc).
There is a lot more info in the readme file. Let me know what you think if you try it out.
Many thank yous! =]