This is a current but nowhere near complete list of features already in concept for RollerBall.
- Special Player Pickups to enhance player abilities. (Speed boost, power boost, jump boost)
- Special Item Pickups. (Freeze Shot, Bomb Shot)
- Modified RollerMine that leaves a trail when not being carried. Doesn't attack opponents.
- Modified physcannon that catches/launches/passes and shoots the rollerball, but nothing else.
- Remove armor and high-power weapons. (Rocket launcher, high powered rifles)
- Add new functions to the engine that signal ball boundaries, goal zones, and penalty zones
- Remove unnecessary elements from the HUD (Gun switch across the top, battery power/oxygen)
- Add radar map with ball located to the top of the HUD
- Implement a weapon-only feature so players don't carry excessive weapons
This list will be updated frequently, and new features will be added. Please note that even though these are in concept, not all of them may make it into the final mod. We have to think about limitations and time constraints.