Greetings to all future Telecom players!
First of all, a big thank you for supporting Telecom Tycoon. This week is week of news, and the truth is that with the celebration of the CES 2016 in Las Vegas, the good news on technological advances do not stop coming. Therefore, we have decided to take the opportunity to release more advances on Telecom Tycoon.
It happens that recently, we were looking for a way to implement a new feature that allowed the player to research new technologies in Telecom, and finally we have obtained results.
After weeks of development, a research system was successfully implemented, and thanks to this now you will be able to investigate new developments such as 4G and 5G cell towers, spectrum sharing and other research that will allow to unlock ways of reducing operational costs for your company. Sounds good right?
Here is a list of the four types of research that are available for now. Please note that there will be added more things to research through the development process.
Below is a screenshot of the research screen. Each research counts with a progress bar that will let you know an idea of how much time is left to unlock the research. Note that each research will take up to 1 year of game time to be completed.
As you can see in the next screenshot, once the progress bar reaches the end, your research will be unlocked automatically. In this case the 4G cell towers now becomes available for purchase.
Another week another article. Once again, thank you for supporting Telecom Tycoon and remember to track the game and follow Indiestar Games on Twitter. See you next week!
waiting for this game