Post news RSS Fany Fencer / Kinky Kedge

Ahoy comrades! We've had almost as much time as a five-year-plan requires to wreck a country to work on a new unit and we didn't use it properly so here's an old unit (you forgot it anyway, right?), it's the Su-24 Fencer: Wait, eh, no. Yes we DID something, I can hardly believe it

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Ahoy comrades!

We've had almost as much time as a five-year-plan requires to wreck a country to work on a new unit and we didn't use it properly so here's an old unit (you forgot it anyway, right?), it's the Su-24 Fencer:

User Posted Image

Wait, eh, no. Yes we DID something, I can hardly believe it myself, and it is a new model! Wow, well it's the Su-24 Fencer but remade, and this time we mean it. Armed with three AS-14 Kedge (remember ahoy?) missiles, this aircraft will definitely be useful to pave the way for ya.

User Posted Image User Posted Image

And there's yet more to tell you. We've packaged up a MAC version of the CWC Demo v1.1 with a lot of help from Zetetic (forum user). Yes MAC users, there IS a software that works on your system, get it here. We'd like to thank Zetetic for his help with that port.

Now, that's some news, ain't it?


the (ever working) CWC-Team

duckedtapedemon - - 557 comments


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tibz - - 130 comments

looks cool D:

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methy - - 1,221 comments

Looking good. Good news on the Mac version, though I wouldn't download it with a ten foot pole. XD

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