Roughly a year after development, I am proud to announce my first publicly playable demo of my 3D platforming game: Besus: Journey for Vitality.
Download it here!
Please keep in mind that items are subject to (and likely will) change.
The controls are as follows:
- Movement: Left Joystick / WASD
- Camera: Right Joystick / QERF
- Jump: A Button / J
- Grab Objects: B Button / N
- Attack: X Button / K
- Dive: Y Button / I
- Look Mode: Right Bumper / U
- Snap Camera Behind Player: Push Right Joystick / Y
Development of this title began back in February of 2014 and I feel as though it has finally reached a publicly playable state. Originally started in UDK as a multi-perspective platforming shooter, it eventually found its way to Unity and was re-tooled to what I was beginning to mold the UDK shooter in to: a 3D platforming game. This process was detailed in one of my blog posts: Venture in to UDK - That ended with Unity.
It didn't take long before I would evolve it to what I have today. Starting as a "template" from the Unity asset store:
To adding gameplay elements and changing out character models:
Establishing a more cartoon-esque look:
And the move to a more detailed world, fully utilizing Unity 5's shaders:
It's been quite the journey over the course of a year. Needless to say, there is a lot more to do, but I feel as though the identity itself has been established.
If after playing the demo, you find any bugs or have any suggestions regarding items that can be improved or changed, please either comment on this post or use the following forms on my site: