Post news RSS Entry 01: The Beginning

The first release of the NH Page by the Xin himself.

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Hello folks. I'm the Xin of the Hazard, and I'm going to be deeply blunt about whatever I am about to say.

Ever since every other mod for MM8BDM, I've decided to make my own as a one man developer. I have always uploaded test footages of the things, all on Dead On Arrival Difficulty. The struggle of making up a good idea for a replacement weapon has always been my main pivot of modding, and so was trying to find fitting songs for the stages. The idea which it came to my last resort was to replace the Megaman music with Electronic music, which it's much too repetitive to me, but I don't need criticism for that. All until working on the eighth set, I had neared my days and went off to a vacation in Vrsar, leaving the mod on hold, and me stuck with a laptop for the rest of the vacation.

With the longest delays possible and struggles in trying to make the mod look more interesting, I'll have to also put in the muzzle flashes and a new HUD which will replace the MM8BDM HUD and remove the Ammo and Health Counters. I've learned the ropes of spriting and coding weapons, but never have I sprited an NPC or a player skin. I'm not too good at that, but I'll need sprite references to make such sprites...
I've learned how to make a custom main menu, custom quit messages, and the custom difficulty skills. Which I can be proud of. Hard Boiled and Dead On Arrival are my noted ones because they're derived from the Max Payne Series, which they are the hardest difficulty skills people have ever came across after they've played the game on normal mode, plus making a gameinfo.txt file that shows Neohazard, stuff and stuff while it's loading. So on and so forth with modding things.

I've also made a Discord server for this mod, and surely it's inactive as the mod is at this state. The link will not be released yet.

Thank you for taking your time on the very first post. The beta of this mod will come out soon.

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