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After a recent team meeting we are pleased to announce that killdrome has switched development from the Source engine to Ca3DE. The switch means that we can rediscover some of the benefits we initially chose Quake 2 Delphi for as we will be able to offer everyone a chance to play Killdrome for free.

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After a recent team meeting we are pleased to announce that killdrome has switched development from the Source engine to Ca3DE. The switch means that we can rediscover some of the benefits we initially chose Quake 2 Delphi for as we will be able to offer everyone a chance to play Killdrome for free. This will also help Carsten Fuchs gain publicity for his engine. With this switch made a lot of new doors have opened up for Killdrome.

This will also be the last news post concerning Killdrome or any other future projects Digital Effect & Theory undertakes. We do not feel that the majority of the community will understand or appreciate what we are trying to achieve with the Killdrome project and we do not want to peruse any negative publicity. Therefore the decision has been made to discontinue ModDB updates from now on. All other news will be posted on our website in future.

Sidenote : some may lead to believe that we have been scared away by negative comments made about our ‘enforcer’ image. Simply not true. We are not scared at releasing renders or screenshots etc that may be not up to standard as high as well established mods because our goal for Killdrome is not to create the prettiest Deathmatch experience, for us it’s about creating the best gameplay possible.

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