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Unfortunately Lithic has not been successful on Kickstarter, but it's not stopping us!

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So as you may have seen we have not been successful with Lithic on Kickstarter.

First off we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who supported us, whether it was through donating or it was sharing our social media posts, we know we wouldn’t have got as far as we did without you guys.

Even though the Kickstarter wasn’t the success we hoped it would be it has caused some other positive things in the development of Lithic.
Firstly it pushed us over the latest big deadline for the studio, which was to get a gameplay video done. This was something we’ve been wanting for months now and we know a lot of you out there wanted to see Lithic in action as well. We knew we couldn’t launch the Kickstarter without it so it really pushed us to get that finalised and we are happy with it.

Having the gameplay video also meant that alongside the Kickstarter we were able to do another push on our Greenlight campaign and if you missed our big news from last week we have been successfully Greenlit. This means as soon as Lithic is ready to launch we can sell on Steam, which has been our aim from the outset.

So what does this mean going ahead?

Development on Lithic is certainly not stopping, we want to make that clear. We have made it to this point without any crowd-sourced funding so we will find a way to make it work beyond it. We had several back up plans in place should the Kickstarter not be successful so now it is a case of us implementing one of those plans.

The Kickstarter was there so we could build stronger animation into the game. We now won’t be able to put as much time into that as we hoped at this point which means that the Early Access release may have different animations to what the final game will have but it won’t be so different that it will impact gameplay.

We are still pushing to an Early Access release but we will not announce a date for that yet until we have completely re-assessed where Lithic will be at and what we can do with our more limited budget. We hope to have as much as we possibly can from our ideal Early Access release in the game and the next week or so at the Studio will be us deciding what will be in the Early Access release and what will have to wait for future updates.

One of the big things running this Kickstarter has proved is that once again there are the people out there who really want to see Lithic made. We’ve had another flurry of interest in the game that makes us feel like we are on the right track and that people really will want buy it when it goes on sale. To those people we say thank you. The last month has been a tough one but it’s certainly not the end for Lithic and we look forward to keeping you updated over the next few months.

If you want to ask us anything about Lithic or the Kickstarter please leave us a message on here head over to our Forum.

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