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Completing the mod is still a dream I have. I'll get there someday.

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Hello all. I know it's not quite the end of the year yet but what have you.
I'm still alive and well. I'm back in college after working for the last year and I now have time for hobbies like modding again. Ironically enough.

I've been pretty active on the Empire at War Community server on discord. I also have a server dedicated to BSG mods but that one is kind of dead of activity. If you'd like links to either please DM me.

I've been able to slowly increase my knowledge of the game and it's systems and I hope to be able to produce something really unique but it will still take some time. I've been testing ideas out in my sister project the Absolute Rebellion Mod. I may make an update to ARM sometime, but that mod is very much just my messing around with how the mechanics of the game work at their extremes.

Lately I've been working on learning LUA scripting, and devising a starfighter combat system and a armor and damage model in general. The largest bottleneck for me is I hate producing content (like 3d ship models) and really need someone else to make models for there to be content for CEaW. If anyone can lend their services please let me know.

Updates will be infrequent but I'll shoot for an article once month.

bsg render

fenix02 - - 319 comments

Glad to see you back :)

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Hyrum_Solo Author
Hyrum_Solo - - 30 comments

The short answer is I'm back because I'm back in college XD
If you know anyone that can make/rig models for Empire at War please send them my way.

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