When you are on a roll, theres no point in stopping. The Empiresmod development team is here again with another great update. While Empires' prides itself on being one of the few FPS/RTS hybrid games in existence we still take the FPS portion seriously. In Empires v2.28 we have tweaked the infantry weapons to make first person combat more challenging and fun. You'll need those improved weapons because we have also updated the classic infantry warfare map, emp_escort, and the tropic adventure map, emp_isle.
Finally, we've also brought back the grenadier's 9 mine ability. When the grenadier drops his 9th mine, the first mine that he placed detonates. If all 8 of the previous mines are placed in close proximity, then they will detonate with the first mine. Its a great remote detonation ability for the grenadier that we've been able to fix and bring back for players to enjoy.
Empires v2.28 features:
- Modified infantry weapons
- Return of the grenadier 9 mine ability
- Updates to official maps: emp_escort and emp_isle
- Parallax Occlusion Mapping
Here are some pictures showing the changes to emp_escort. There have been some major changes to the first, second, and third flags to provide more cover for infantry and additional pathways to the capture points.
Empires 2.28 Changelog
- Parallax occlusiong mapping shader. Use VertexLitParallax or LightmappedGeneric. Brenodi jeep uses POM as a test.
- emp_sv_debug_build_vehicles allows building vehicles without VF.
- Don't allow making squads without forming previous squads (ie. can't create Bravo without someone creating Alpha first).
- Readded 9th mining.
- Changed automatic visibility on minimap:
- infantry spots enemies within 5000 inches
- infantry doesn't spot other infantry
- buildings spot infantry within 1000 inches
- buildings spot other enemies within 5000 inches (small buildings like MG turret don't spot)
- Moved viewpoint on Brenodi Medium tank to the back.
- Updated manual.
- Updated emp_escort.
- Updated emp_isle.
- Infantry weapons have been adjusted
- Balancing changes:
- Homing Salvo reload time 5 s -> 10 s.
- Rail Gun Clip size 40 -> 15 and reload time 2 s -> 7 s.
- Turret Level 2 and 3 research time 90 s and 90 s.
- Standard CG damage 24 -> 28, cycle time 0.025 s -> 0.05 s, weight 70 -> 60
- Guided ML Clip Size 4 -> 5 and Heat 8 -> 7
- Upgraded Guided ML Clip Size 4 -> 5 and Heat 10 -> 8
- CV armor 250 -> 200, hull 2000 -> 1000.
- 10% faster RPG missiles.
- HE cannon heat 22 -> 15, Ranged cannon heat 11 -> 10.
- Modified infantry weapon scripts.
- No warning about problem with finding commander armor.
- Memory corruption on server at level shutdown.
The parralax mapping looks very good
They changed emp_escort a lot, i hope it's better balanced for the attackers now.
Good work on the update!
How do I activate the ingame parallax occlusion? Though can't I already do this via my nVidia control panel since this uses Source?
Omfg 9mining
cant wait!
Empires has come a long way, keep up the amazing work, here's a late release post for it Modsentry.com thanks for creating such a unique Source mod!
good mod ^^