One major vulnerbility to the Gunship and a feature I plan to implement will be that of an EMP weapon. Launched like a regular hand held SAM instead of destroying a vehicle it fries the electronics (which will have an effect similar to turning the lift engine off). If the vehicle is in the air you will

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One major vulnerbility to the Gunship and a feature I plan to implement will be that of an EMP weapon. Launched like a regular hand held SAM instead of destroying a vehicle it fries the electronics (which will have an effect similar to turning the lift engine off). If the vehicle is in the air you will get to watch it plummit into the ground while those inside contemplate death. For balancing I plan to disable parachutes and make the crash (assuming the vehicle was at low altitude) somewhat survivable and leave thrusters online (so you can steer into the ground). If you were on board when an emp hit at low altitude and speed you would prolly make it to the ground injured but alive.

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