Post news RSS Elite's Conflict Mod: Update Two - 12/05/2015

Elite's Conflict Mod v1.0 will be released soon! Progress is speeding up with winter break and the semester coming to an end. Here is a list of what we have accomplished so far, what we plan to accomplish before release, and what we plan to do for the v1.1 release that will occur quite rapidly after the release of v1.0. Thank you all for the support, it is what keeps me going, {HEROIC}Elite.

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  • Elite's Conflict Mod v1.0 Information
    • Please review the previous two Articles posted on this mod's page for information pertaining to what this mod will do for Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption and you. Their links are listed below:
    • This is Elite's Conflict Mod: Update One...
    • This is Expanding The Elite's Conflict Mod Team...
    • If you have any further questions, feel free to post on the mod page or personally message me.
  • What Elite's Conflict Mod Has Accomplished So Far
    • Currently, our expectations are to create a new conflict, bring the focus of the game back to the two factions we really care about, add a unique lore aspect, comprise a classical but updated musical symphony, and widen the armada of technology and characters.
      • All of these things have be achieved!
    • The Galactic Empire is completely finished, aside from balancing them slightly when the Rebellion is complete too.
  • What Elite's Conflict Mod Will Accomplish Before The v1.0 Release
    • Not only have we done what I from time to time think is and was impossible, but we continue to surprise ourselves with ideas and opportunities we didn't know would show themselves.
      • Reformatting the XML files of this game to allow nearly any player to adjust the mod how they feel fits them best. (This has taken a lot of time and it not complete, but it is a work in progress that will be partially available at the launch of v1.0)
      • We recently fixed the 2 largest bugs facing this mod, both of which turned out to be small but they had a large impact on the game. At this point, there are no "bugs" in this mod that will cause crashing or any errors! (This is a huge achievement for me personally. I can't stand when I mod crashes, especially if I didn't save the game recently. I'll get angry enough to not play the game for days and that's not acceptable in any game or any mod)
      • We continue to add new units to this game, meaning new icons, new names, new descriptions, and new abilities. (This is one of the most fun aspects of modding for me and I really hope you all enjoy what we have in store for you)
      • Replacing unnecessary units and buildings with ones that are more interesting and have longevity in game-play. The Imperial Research Facility for example, was completely useless after Tech 5 was achieved. Now, this building is required for the production of a handful of units and is only buildable on a select few planets.
      • Maintaining the balance of this game will be a lifelong challenge, but so far we are doing very well in this aspect. Overall, there are stronger units than ever before in this mod, but they balance each other out. This adds to the excitement and surprise factor of the game.
      • A promotional video, installation instructions, and credits are all being created as well for the v1.0 release of this mod.
  • What Elite's Conflict Mod Plans To Accomplish Before The v1.1 Release
    • Honestly, I hope there isn't much in this mod that needs to be done for v1.1, but of course there will be. The entire idea behind v1.1 is to get players the patch they need quickly.
      • Fixing bugs, errors, typos, any anything else I or anyone in the community finds after the release of v1.0.
      • Completing any content that was intended to be complete but turns out to be incomplete from v1.0.
      • Possibly adding a little content as well. I don't want to spoil anything, but here is a list of what kind of additional content you may be able to expect from v1.1.
        • New units.
        • New unit abilities on existing units.
        • Redone space station hardpoints.
        • New planets.
        • Completely revamped planet descriptions and effects on game-play.
        • New music options.
        • A new Galactic Conquest map.
        • More XML file reformatting and guides on how to locate things.
  • The Future Of Elite's Conflict Mod v2.0 And Beyond
    • For v2.0 of Elite's Conflict Mod, we are looking into a lot of ideas and concepts.
      • Completing the Zann Consortium faction by adding and balancing units, structures, and heroes.
      • Looking into a larger faction to overtake the roll of the Zann Consortium, for example the Black Sun, Hutt Cartel, CIS Remnant, Hapes Consortium, or Corporate Sector.
      • Searching campaign files and seeing if there is any possibility of any way we could create a campaign.
      • Recoloring even more of the game to be less yellow. (Though this has already partially been done in this mod, it would be great to finish it)
      • Possibly allowing the color options available in Skirmish mode to be available in Galactic Conquest mode too.
      • And the list continues to grow...
  • Below Are Some Screenshots Of Our Most Recent Accomplishments
    • Imperial Snowtrooper Squad.
    • Imperial Sandtrooper Squad.
    • Stormtrooper Special Operations Command.
    • Imperial Wookie Slaves.
    • Imperial Prison Facility.

Imperial Snowtrooper Squad

Imperial Sandtrooper Squad

Stormtrooper Special Operations

Imperial Wookie Slaves

Imperial Prison Facility

  • Like What You See...? Elite's Conflict Mod

Thank you for reading. I hope you are excited for this mod!

Have a nice day,


Mister_Vogel - - 886 comments

I guess that'll be fixed soon,but why is there a Dark trooper icon instead of sandtrooper's one ?

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{HEROIC}Elite Author
{HEROIC}Elite - - 813 comments


It is not a Darktrooper, but the coloring from transferring the image to in-game seems to have darkened the picture some. I will look into getting a better one if people think it is a Darktrooper.



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