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Just a quick update on what I've been up to today. Progress is gooooooood!

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As of now the kitchen has been reworked and nearing completion with only a few minor details to attend to.


I have already put together a basic food van scene but put that on hold while I work out what would be the best way to approach liquids, powders or any other form of ingredient that needs to be pored into something as well as adding the ability to loose fingers and/or burn skin.


The white hands below represent both your hands which can be quickly switch pressing a key.
Over time you'll notice if you take damage from either losing a finger or burning yourself the white hand with start to turn red till the point of it being unusable.


Overall the progress of the game is speeding along nicely so I've decided I'll be adding little easter eggs through the different locations also paying tribute to some other games.

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