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An update about our game. Letting you guys know what's new and what we hope to add later.

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Things that have changed this week: a whole new game mode was added. Now you can either eliminate the other team or dominate the planets. There is now a title screen as well as a ready-up screen. Movement is improved. Added missing audio. Added cool down to claw. Players are now able to hook each other. The sprites were made bigger, and changed a bit to add hats. Added respawn animation. Asteroids are juicy. UI is a bit snazzier. Disabled trigger controls, deal with bumpers.

Why these changes were made: These changes were made based on playtest feedback. We hope our changes will improve the quality of gameplay and enjoyment.

What's next: Next we plan on adding a pause screen and making gameplay more intuitive. Add more juice and fix up any bugs that come up.

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