Greetings, all!
If you haven't already, please support us and vote for Eden Star to be Indie DB’s game of the year!
The Vote banner is hidden half way down the page, so scroll down until you find it, and hit the big red button!
A quick reminder to everyone, and news to those of you who may be new to Eden Star: the Alpha is now available for pre-order via our site!
We’re pleased to announce a partnership with our friends at Curse, to bring you the official Eden Star Wiki!
We hope you’ll check there regularly, and help expand it, and make it the most comprehensive source of Eden Star information there is!
If you’ve got any questions about anything you’d like to see in the wiki, please ask us in the forums!
Before I sign off, I want to leave you with a little tease as to what we'll be revealing tomorrow...
Can you guess what it is yet?