Post news RSS Eclipse Origins 4.1.2 Update

A ton of updates have been made to the Eclipse Origins engine recently including a new random dungeon generation system, pets, sound updates, a new demo world and more!

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4.1.2 Released!

I have not kept IndieDB as up to date with engine changes as I should have but that makes this point just that much better! Eclipse Origins has been updated all the way up to 4.1.2. Since my last post we have added several large features, fixed many bugs and a lot more!

The first new feature is our Pet system. In the engine you can now define different Pets that your players may summon for support with it comes to fighting their way through your game. Pets have the ability to cast spells too!

Random Dungeons!
Random dungeons are also new to Eclipse. You can now open up our simple dungeon editor, select the graphics to make the style of dungeon you want, choose the number of floors and the engine will do the rest for you! With no mapping required on your part you can have a massive 100 floor dungeon for your players to group up and conquer together.

New Demo World!
Starting today every fresh install of Eclipse Origins is shipped with an updated demonstration world. This demo has new events, that help explain all the features the engine has to offer and they are all set up for you to try out before beginning your own ORPG. If you are new to the engine this new demo world is a must see, it is a lot more informative and fun than the last one!

In addition to the added features, there have been a massive amount of bug fixes applied to the engine, you can see all of the changelogs here. If you have already installed Eclipse then you can obtain all of these updates (except for the new demo world) by running the launchers in your client/server folders. If you would like a copy of the demo world download the latest installer from IndieDB or our site.

-The Eclipse Origins Development Team

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