Post news RSS Earth at war February update

Hi again, here's a new news update. I've got quite a lot to say this time.

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First thing I'd like to discuss is that we decided to collabrate with the Vong at war mod. We'll make them some models and we'll get HQ textures in return. At the moment I'm working on something grand but I got orders from burtnstrobe to keep it a secret what the exact unit is. Once it's finished I'll continue making models for Earth at War again.

Second thing is that I will no longer tolerate these damn karma trolls. We will fight them with positive karma and when I find out who the troller(s) is/are I'll report them immidiately.

Third thing is that we're still in urgent need of a scripter. Off course an additional skinner or rigger would be welcome too.

Fourth thing is a progress update: I started working on the Imperial space armada for phase 1 and the Black hole pirate phase 1 space armada. Weapons will be converted too. Earth alliance will be using machine guns and stuff, Intergalactic Empire will use blue lasers and the Black Hole Pirates will use Purple lasers. The weapons will be upgraded when you advance in tech:
Earth Alliance weapons:
Phase 1: Modern warfare weapons
Phase 2: Pulse lasers & yellow laser canons
Phase 3: Phaser canons & Orange laser canons
Phase 4: Red laser canons
Phase 5: White laser canons

Intergalactic Empire weapons:
Phase 1: Blue laser canons
Phase 2: Green laser canons
Phase 3: Red laser canons
Phase 4: Megamaser canons (Inspired from Thrawns Revenge)
Phase 5: Hyperlasers

Black Hole Pirate weapons:
Phase 1: Purple laser canons
Phase 2: Plasma canons
Phase 3: Disruptor canons
Phase 4: Hyperlasers
Phase 5: Various dark weapons

These were just the main/basic weapons. There's a much bigger amount of different weapons.

Well, this was the news update of February, I hope you like it :P


oldguy654 - - 30 comments

karma trolls? who are these karma trolls and what exactly have they been doing.

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