I began this project quite a while ago.
I began by making the first levels first and the later levels afterwards. Of course, this meant I have some very sloppy levels in the beginning of the game, while it gets much more refined in the later levels.
Not only that, but I began this project as a sequel to my Overgrowth map, Therium (hence the name). Therium was a very blocky and primitive map, but the concept of multiple paths has stuck with me from the very beginning. There wasn't even a storyline initially: I came up with an excuse plot with Jared, and then it evolved into a plot and lore fit for a AAA game.
Because of this, the dialogue in earlier levels were basic and terrible. They were nothing of the characters that the characters I've developed.
As you can tell, I'm gonna have to remake a few levels.
This isn't any problem of course, but I just wanted to give a bit of an update on what I'm currently working on.
The original beginning level:
The remade beginning level:
Wow, that's a big change to the original level, also looks like I'll be able to run it easier too.
Are you still going to be using those 2D/3D assets in the background like the original?
I'll be using 2D/3D assets in all levels.
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